As Creative Director at BHT I was responsible for creating a strong, consistent brand which reflected the organisation’s values: combating homelessness, creating opportunities and promoting change.

BHT undertakes important work in tackling homelessness and dealing with complex issues. Creating a strong brand enabled BHT to stand out in a densely crowded, competitive and ever-shrinking third sector marketplace.

The resulting brand identity aimed to become intrinsic to the organisation’s culture, promoting a central, unifying idea around which all behaviour, actions and communications are aligned. I was allowed a relatively large amount of freedom to evolve the brand over time; the only element that had to be left alone was the logo, so I based designs around its various elements.

I provided a new website design and build, content management and server administration, templates for PowerPoint, Word and Excel, various reports both printed and digital, editorial work, signage, photography, leaflets and posters. An intrinsic part of BHT’s marketing strategy also involved digital communications including email newsletters and promotion of fundraising campaigns through various social media platforms.

Producing a comprehensive set of branding guidelines enabled me to promote the advantages of branding quality and consistency when visiting projects. Nobody develops a strong and meaningful brand strategy alone, and with strong buy-in from the top of the organisation together with the vision of key staff members the rebrand had a positive impact, helping win important funding bids and attract employees.

branding | digital | editorial | infographics | photography | print | websites
Anthony is a talented designer and web developer, with excellent attention to detail and creative flair.
He took care of all our digital and print needs, including service literature, annual reports and newsletters, as well as developing and maintaining our charity website, producing our fundraising campaigns and associated marketing materials.
Jo Berry, BHT Head of Marketing & Fundraising
Above right and above: The BHT Branding Guidelines highlight the importance of colour in evoking emotion and expressing personality. Choosing colours for a brand identity requires a strong understanding of colour theory, a clear vision of brand perception and an ability to master consistency over a broad range of media.
The BHT Values poster is framed and on the wall of every BHT project.
Above is an example of how a strong brand can be utilised for a project's needs. BHT's Housing Services needed a full leaflet set for their tenants, along with client-friendly navigation requirements in their website section. I also provided signage for their maintenance vans.
From top: the quarterly tenant's magazine, Lighthouse was produced in collaboration with tenant involvement groups; calling cards, business cards, AllPay cards and various handbooks were all produced to a consistent and recognisable style.

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